Did you know: Air-con not only cools your vehicle down in summer but also helps to speed up the process of clearing your windscreen in Winter.
Air-Conditioning for ALL vehicles
We can now service and re-gas Air-Conditioning on new vehicles with the latest R1234YF refrigerant.
Did you know: Bell Lane Garage Ltd will pressure test your Air-con system free of charge to check for any major leaks.
Air-Conditioning Full Service
R134A from £50.00
R1234YF from £110.00
All Prices subject to 20% VAT
Not just a top up like the fast fit centres do!
Our Air-con service includes:
- Free Nitrogen pressure test.
- Evacuation of all fluorinated and non fluorinated gasses.
- Minimum 25 minute vacuum to remove moisture from system.
- 8 minute leak test.
- Compressor oil replaced with PAG blue moisture resistant oil.
- 10cc ultra violet leak detection fluid.
- Refill with correct weight of refidgerant.
- Anti bacterial cleaning bomb inside vehicle to eliminate fungus and bad smells.
- Print out report for your records.
All of the above will be completed in 1 hour by our fully trained ata accredited Air-conditioning technicians.
Why has the price of Air-con servicing risen?
2017 saw a reduction in availability of HFC (hydrofluorocarbons) refridgerants as the EU is phasing out their use due to the impact of greenhouse emmissions. It is predicted that the availability HFC's that are present in R134A will be reduced by a further 50% by 2020. This reduction in avaialability is now increasing the price of available R134A refridgerant quite substantially.
So while we are trying to keep our price as low as possible we are unfortunatly having to raise the price of Air-con Servicing.
Did you know: Brake fluid absorbs moisture. This lowers the boiling point, which creates vapour due to the heat generated in braking. This vapour could lead to a complete failure of the brakes.
Brake Fluid Change £39.95
Our fully qualified technicians will check for any leaks and then fully drain and replace your brake fluid to your vehicles specific recommendations.
Winter Health Check £40.00
Our Winter health check includes
Top up of all fluids.
Tyre report.
Brake fluid condition.
Checking battery level.
Checking Anti-freeze protection.
Checking all belts.
Checking operation of ABS and air bags.
Checking windscreen wipers and horn.
Checking condition and security of exhaust.
Full vehicle health check report.